SPX-01 Azimuth & Elevation Rotor

€ 987,00 (including VAT 21%)
In stock - Delivery 2 business days
Product code SPX-01-1-314
Net weight 16,00 Kg
Dimensions (l,w,h) 40 x 40 x 55 cm

This rotor system is available in several Performances:

SPX-01, Standard version: AZ & EL rotation, Resolution 0.5 degree (P/N: SPX-01)

SPX-01/HR, High resolution version:
 AZ & EL rotation, Resolution 0.2 degree (P/N: SPX-01/HR)

The SPX-01 is a Light Duty solution to Rotate in Azimuth and Elevation your Antenna, Dish antenna , Astronomy Tele scope, Camera, Light Box and many more which must be rotated in 2 axes.
This Rotor is supplied including Mounting Antenna Bracket !

Available Options:

#1 Mounting bracket to mount objects on the side of the rotor (P/N: ARM-02)
Mounting bracket to interface between Vertical pole (mast) and rotor (P/N: PLATE-03)
#3 Mounting bracket to interface between Vertical pole (mast) and rotor (P/N: PLATE-04)

More options available in the SPX-01 Specifications sheet [795 KB] in PDF formats

Each rotor set is 
Supplied included controller and build in Track interface (USB), lot of tracking program available and easy to install on your Lap-Top or PC and connect the Controller through USB.
You can now auto track Moon, Sun, stars, constellations, galaxies, planets, etc etc.
But if you prefer you can operate manual by pressing the buttons on the front of the panel or supplied mouse.

SPX-01 Standard Azimuth & Elevation Rotor System

SPX-02 Standard controller



This model is the standard version, supplied including SPX-03 rotor and:

#1 Flat mounting plate to be placed on base-plate
#2 Mounting arm which can be used to mount antenna's
#3 Standard Controller model Rot2Prog
#4 Resolution is 0.5 degree / step
#5 Integrated computer track interface (USB)
#6 Manual or computer control.
#7 Mouse supplied for easy manual control.
#8 Supplied incl. CD-Rom, USB cable, Mouse, Fast start guide, Build in track interface (USB)

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